Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I can do some good changes in our community!!!You too!!! :)
A young fellow like me can do many changes in our community which lead to its progress. Nowadays, what we want to attain to our county is progress. We all know that our country is facing many crisis.
We as a student can help even in a little way but very useful things. It’s always starts in ourselves.
As a student I have many responsibilities to do in school. First of all, of course, to attain academic excellence. It shows that we are studying well as a part of our responsibilities. We must also abide by the rules and regulations of the school and all student organizations and respect the good name of the school, the faculty, students and other members of the school community. Our school is very important so we must take care of it and maintain cleanliness and a quiet and wholesome atmosphere in school.
Yeah!!! They are just simple things to say but hard to do.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

gLimPsE oF mY fUtuRe......

When I was a kid I'm always telling to my mother that someday we can buy everything we need and we want. Then my mother would tell me that yes that day will come if I only work hard for my future and as still a young citizen, I must do my responsibility, to study well.

Starting that day, there are questions playing in my mind. How happy I would be when that day comes? What would be the first thing I would do if that day comes? Would my parents would be comfortable? That questions are some of it...

Now, I am graduating in high school I am nearing to the answers for those questions.

For my college life, I would like to take accountancy. Then after five years, I'll be a successful public accountant in our own country, and better in abroad.(just dreaming of it!(:...)

What's the next big hit after many more years???! I can manage my own business and live comfortably in my own house with my family of course. That most important, I want to do what I'd told to my mother, to let them buy all the things they need and they want.

That are only some of those ambitions that I want to fulfill for my future.Wish me luck.:)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

mY iNsiGhtS.........

Here I am again...trying to refresh my mind for the learnings I gained this last third quarter of our TLE subject in our high school life.
I this work station which we share in making our activities and doing some posts in our blog accounts,I've learn about those different attributes which is use in HTML tags.And now, we also enter the world of MICROSOFT OFFICE FONTPAGE 2003.
I thought it's exciting to make
a fontpage.The problem is I don't know how to make even just one fontpage.It's my first time to learn about this application in the computer.
I tried to solve this problems by asking help from my classmates except to my classmate I'm with in this workstation.:/ HE don't even tried to help me. Well, for I know he is also concern in this project,
For this remaining weeks in my high school life'I'll try to learn more especially in wmorking on the microsoft office fontpage 2003.